Bar Effects

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Bar Effects are global effects applied to the player or enemy's bar that impact the entire party regardless of which character/enemy is active. These are depicted by the visual state of the bar itself, wherein only one effect can be active at a time. These effects last until they are removed or overwritten. Not to be confused with Measure Effects.

List of Beneficial Bar Effects

  • Fortify: Reduces all damage taken by 20%.
  • Nurture: Increases all healing received by 30% and regenerates Life at a significant rate. Life regeneration applies to the whole band, but depends on combat time, i.e. it is adversely affected by Speed.
  • Amplify: Increases Hype regen by 10% and all damage dealt by 30%.
    • Scale multiplicative with a Weakened enemy bar, for a total damage increase of 69%.
  • Mad Amplify (Performance only)
  • Mad Fortify (Performance only)
  • Mad Nurture (Performance only)
  • Demonic Fortify (Performance only)
  • Platinum Amplify (Performance only)
  • Scrumptious Fortify (Performance only)

List of Negative Bar Effects

  • Weaken: Increases all damage taken by 30%.
  • Wither: Reduces all healing received by 30% and increases all Melody damage taken by 15%.
  • Muffle: Reduces Hype regen by 10% and all damage done by 30%.