Measure Effects

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Measure Effects affect segments of the player or enemy's Bar during battle. In most cases, they only affect combatants who's bar indicators are passing through them. Therefore, it's encouraged to actively switch between band members during battle to spread out their effects. Measure Effects can be further altered through the use of Modifiers.

It is important not to confuse Measure Effects with Bar Effects, which are depicted by the frame of the bar itself.

Harmful Measure Effects

Name Base effect Empowered effect Notes
Pain Deals 10 damage per measure. Deals 20 damage per measure.
Mad Pain Deals 30 damage per measure. Deals 60 damage per measure.
Slow Reduces Speed by 33%. Reduces Speed by 40%.
Bomb Deals heavy damage to active character after 3 rounds - Cannot be Empowered. Pets also reduce the counter when they pass the bomb.
Contagion Horrible illness that saps 10% Life per measure and reduces stats. - Reduced defensive stats means more damage taken while on it. Cannot be Empowered.
Fluster Drains 20 Hype per measure. Drains 40 Hype per measure. Enemy only
Paralyze Paralyses a bandmate, making them unable to act. Enemy only
Doom Enemy only

Beneficial Measure Effects

Name Base effect Empowered effect Notes
Soothe Restores 10 Life per measure. Restores 20 Life per measure.
Mad Soothe Restores 30 Life per measure. Restores 60 Life per measure.
Haste Increases Speed by 80%. Increases Speed by 125%. Empowering also raises Speed cap to 125
K-HYPE! Enemy only
ULTRA K-HYPE! Enemy only
Flustering Harmony Every attack applies one measure of Fluster and deals additional damage Enemy only
Painful Harmony Every attack applies one measure of Pain and deals additional damage Enemy only
Slow Harmony Every attack applies one measure of Slow and deals additional damage Enemy only


See the respective articles for more details. Pets cannot be Empowered.

Name Effect
Fish A Singing Fish is summoned to aid the player in combat.
Bird A Bird is summoned to aid the player in combat.
Cuttle A Cuttle is summoned to aid the player in combat.
Spider A Spider is summoned to aid the player in combat.