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Autosave appearing on screen.

There are two methods of saving in Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands:

  • Interacting with NPC Saeva you can save manually.
  • The game also autosaves regularly upon entering a new screen.

You can have up to 3 separate save profiles.

Save Slots

Saving slots with different progresses.

After starting the game by pressing Play in the Main Menu, you can choose from three audio cassettes which represent three different save slots. Since patch v1.0.6, each save slot contains the last autosave and last manual save separately, and they can be toggled with up and down arrows.

Pressing Play on a blank slot starts the game from the beginning.

The cassettes show the following informations:

  • Characters in play
  • Chapter title
  • Save location
  • Band level
  • Time played

Note: the selected tape plays the soundtrack of the saving location. If the slot is blank, it plays static noise.

Save Locations

Saeva's tent.

List of manual saving locations in the game in order of appearance. Temporary locations are in italics.

Save Folder

The save folder is found in:


Backup Saves

The game keeps backup saves that can be used to restore deleted saves. In the save location, you will find backup save folders separated by profile number (0, 1 and 2)

To restore a backup save file;

  1. Go into the backup save folder for the profile you need.
  2. Copy the save file you want to restore.
  3. Paste the save file into the main save folder.
  4. Rename the save file with the number of the profile you are saving to (Example: "save_092220231451556.dat" renamed to "save_0.dat")
  5. Launch the game and select the save profile you chose (NOTE: The profile cassette will appear blank until you launch it and hit a save point)