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Faye as her default Show-off appearance.

The guitarist and frontwoman of the band Deathbulge. She lives in Bopstead as the roommate of Briff, leading a slow and unfulfilling life. After she recently lost her job at the local pub, she listens to the persuasion of friends and fellow musicians Platinum Scrumptious and signs up to the Battle of the Bands, starting a series of misfortunes and adventures.

Her family consists of wrestling champion Iris (her stepmother) and half-human, half-skeleton, full-fisherman Ian (stepbrother).

Endgame spoilers:

While her biological mother remains unknown, Dac identifies Faye as the daughter of the Kick King during the Bootmotorspringer gig. The latter never reveals himself as her father to Faye, but also alludes to a special connection.

Field Ability

Her Field Ability is Mad Dash, which gives her a short burst of speed.

Classes and Mods

Faye initially starts as the Show-off class, able to deal great damage with a chance of backfire.

Over time, Faye can collect the following classes: Show-off, Headbanger, Goth, Avant-garde, Busker, Well-toned, Sampler.

Faye has no mods in the following classes: Distorter, Tuner.

Icon Class Name Type Hype Glam Multiplier Description Unlock
SKILL-HAIRSHREDDER.png Show‑off Hair Shredder
Melody (50) 10 0.5 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage to ALL foes.
Applies 1 measure of PAIN per enemy stuck to the enemy's bar.
WARNING: This move has a 20% chance to backfire.
Backfire applies 1 measure of Pain to the player's bar.
SKILL-AXEOFANNIHILATION.png Show‑off Axe of Annihilation
Melody 66% 20 1.33-2.0 Deals MASSIVE MELODY damage to ALL foes.
Applies 3 measures of PAIN to the enemy's bar.
WARNING: This move has a 50% chance to be extremely sick.
The sick version does OBSCENE damage and additionally empowers the PAIN measures.
The Grand Prize from side gig The Litter That Glitters.
SKILL-AMPLOSION.png Show‑off Amplosion Melody 55/110 5 1.0 Deals MODERATE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 1 measure of BOMB to the enemy's bar.
WARNING: This move has a 10% chance to result in a complete disaster.
Purchased from <o> in the Pop-Up Shop in Hellblivion.
SKILL-DAZZLINGSHRED.png Show‑off Dazzling Shred Melody 45/90 10-15 1.0-1.5 Deals MODERATE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Has a 50% chance to strike a second time, dealing MINUSCULE MELODY damage.
The second hit also generates an additional 5 Glam.
Found on The Bus on the 10th deck close to Saeva
SKILL-FACEMELTER.png Show‑off Face Melter Melody 30/60 5 0.5 Deals MINUSCULE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 2 measures of PAIN to the enemy's bar.
SKILL-POWERSLIDE.png Show‑off Power Slide Melody 40/80 4 0.5-1.0 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage to ALL foes.
Depending on the sickness of the slide, this move has a 50% chance to deal damage a second time and EMPOWER all existing measure effects on the enemy's bar.
Found in Tillatek Cyberjungle in a hidden room near Mutilla's sleeping quarters
SKILL-SKULLSPLITTER.png Headbanger Skullsplitter
Supportive (45) 3 - Applies 1 measure of MAD PAIN to the enemy's bar but damages Faye in the process. Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-CROWDSURF.png Headbanger Crowdsurf
Noise 66% 20 2.0 Deals OBSCENE NOISE damage to ALL foes, massively damaging Faye in the process. Obtained from Jim after kicking at least 70 doors
SKILL-BIGANGRYRIFFOFFURY.png Headbanger BIG ANGRY RIFF OF FURY Noise 40/80 3 1.0 Deals HEAVY NOISE damage to ALL foes.
Applies WEAKEN to the player's bar.
Found on the bus to Hoho on the 16th deck
SKILL-COLOSSALCUSSOUT.png Headbanger Colossal Cuss Out Noise 50/100 1.067 Deals MODERATE NOISE damage TWICE to ALL foes.
Applies 1 measure of PAIN per enemy stuck to the player's bar.
Found in a hidden area in Hellblivion, in the center of the crowd area
SKILL-RECKLESSSHRED.png Headbanger Reckless Shredding Noise 30/60 6 1.2 Deals LIGHT NOISE damage TWICE to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 1 measures of PAIN to the player's bar.
Found in Claire's Hair, on the top path before the entrance to the Wet Beak bar
SKILL-DEADINSIDE.png Goth Dead Inside
Melody (40) 1.5 Deals HEAVY MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
CLEARS 2 measures on the player's bar.
Purchased from Eezer's Evil Goods in Hoho.
SKILL-ERASURE.png Goth Erasure
Melody 66% 20 1.33 Deals MASSIVE MELODY damage to ALL foes.
CLEARS all 4 measures on the player's bar.
Rewarded for finishing side gig Foggy's Errands.
SKILL-GRAVEYARD.png Goth Graveyard Shuffle Melody 35/70 0.67 Deals MODERATE MELODY damage to ALL foes.
Applies MUFFLE to the enemy's bar.
Found in the backstage dream in Hellblivion, on a hidden path in the first area
SKILL-MAKEITWORSE.png Goth Make it Worse Melody 50/100 0.5 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage to ALL foes.
EMPOWERS all existing negative measures on both the player's and enemy's bars.
Purchased from <o> in the Pop-Up Shop in Hellblivion.
SKILL-UGH.png Goth ugh Melody 45/90 2.0 Deals MASSIVE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 2 measures of SLOW to the player's bar.
The potency of this ability increases by 15% for each empty measure effect on the player's bar.
Bonus damage multiplier is additive to Beauty in Suffering Patch.
Found in Mutilla's fridge
SKILL-ALTFX.png Avant‑garde ALT_FX Noise 50/100 2 0.67 Deals MODERATE NOISE damage to ALL foes.
Applies 1 random NEGATIVE measure effect per enemy struck to the enemy's bar.
Found in Hellblivion, east of <o>'s Pop-Up Shop
SKILL-2DUCK.png Avant‑garde BEAM TEAM Supportive 75/150 2 ?? Applies a measure of Bird to the players's bar.
While the effect is present, an echo spirit companion will be summoned to fight alongside the party. On it's turn, this companion will either heal the active character or attack a single foe for a completely random amount.
Found in Hoho, at K-Kwak's family reunion
SKILL-FRESHTWIST.png Avant‑garde Fresh Twist Noise 75/150 2 1.0 Deals HEAVY NOISE damage to a ALL foes.
INVERTS all measures on the player's bar.
The potency of this ability increases by 15% for each negative measure effect on the player's bar.
Bonus damage works like Beauty in Suffering Patch and is additive to it, for 30% extra damage per negative measure effect.
Found high up in the Lower Locks
SKILL-LETMETRYSOMETHING.png Avant‑garde Let Me Try Something Noise 55/110 2 1.5 Deals HEAVY NOISE damage to a SINGLE foe. Found on the bus to Hoho, on the 15th deck
SKILL-BREEZIN.png Busker Breezin' Melody 25/50 4 0.5 Deals MINUSCULE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 2 measures of HASTE to the player's bar.
SKILL-HEARTWARMER.png Busker Heartwarmer Restorative 30/60 4 - Revives a fallen bandmate at a quarter of their maximum LIFE.
Has a 25% chance to revive them back to full health.
Rewarded for finishing side gig Clean Up Crew.
SKILL-SUMMERJAM.png Busker Summer Jam Restorative 30/60 4 0.5 Restores a LIGHT amount of LIFE to the entire PARTY.
Applies AMPLIFY to the player's bar.
Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-OFFENSIVEANDDEFENSIVE.png Well‑toned Offensive and Defensive Noise 40/80 4 1.0 Deals MODERATE NOISE damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies FORTIFY to the player's bar.
Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-SHREDDEDSHRED.png Well‑toned Shredded Shred Noise 40/80 8 0.8-1.2 Deals LIGHT NOISE damage to ALL foes 2-3 times depending FORTIFIED Faye is feeling. Purchased from Eezer's Evil Goods in Hoho.
MIX-FAYE.png Sampler REMIX: Faye None 50/100 - Gives Faye the ability to MIX multiple Beats together into a single action. Equipping this Mod in the Class Mod slot will covert her Aux Mod slots into Beat slots, allowing her to equip up to three total Beats. Bought from Rinna in Hoho after getting the band back together.

Comics featuring Faye