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Volmax is a mystical entity residing in a dreamlike realm, the Backstage-y looking area. They are thought to be the guardian of true musical mastery, with all musical styles at their disposal.

Reachable by napping in the bloody tent in Camping A of Hellblivion, they are the sixth and final legend to be bested.


BEAT-MAXIMUMVOLUME.png Maximum Volume Subjects ALL Foes to a realm of MAXIMUM VOLUME. Few can survive such an immense onslaught of audio. Chance to instantly kill most enemies. Insta-kills most enemies, never affects bosses or enemies in Lower Locks.

Beat Biography:

Volmax is the guardian of true musical mastery. No one can call themselves a true master, until they have bested Volmax.
Oh, you did?? Hey, get you! I mean, WOW! RIGHT ON!!


Reaching Volmax

Sleeping in the bloody tent in Camping A leads you to the backstage-y looking area. Here, solving a series of puzzles involving obelisks and pedestals can open the path to Volmax.

Each obelisk has a description of a musical style that indicates which class can trigger the pedestal next to it. All obelisks have a hidden message which can be revealed after going through all three puzzles. To reset, use the nearby server towers.

  • First puzzle (symmetrical room): After revealing the first path with Goth, all three obelisks (Sampler, Headbanger, Show-off) lead to a dead end. A shadow at the end of the middle path gives you a hint that the room is symmetrical. With this information and the shape of the Show-off path, you can deduce you have to turn left on the Sampler path.
  • Second puzzle ('lights out puzzle' room): Activating the pedestals make path fragments appear and disappear. To reveal the right path, use them in the following order: middle (Tuner), left (Avant-garde), right (Well-toned).
  • Third puzzle (tetris room): Activating the pedestals reveal tetris block shaped paths. To navigate around the server towers you have to place them in the correct order: middle (Distorter), right (Sampler), left (Busker).

Finishing the puzzles once lead to a dead end, where a shadow gives you the information that Ian's Field Ability can reveal the hidden messages of the obelisks. The hidden message of the last obelisk sends you back to the start. Going through the puzzles once more with different classes will reveal new white paths:

  • First puzzle, B-side: Distorter, Well-toned, Sampler.
  • Second puzzle, B-side: Show-off, Busker, Headbanger.
  • Third puzzle, B-side: Goth, Avant-garde, Tuner.

The final white path loops back to the start where a new brown-blue path is revealed. Following it, you reach the location of Faye's nightmare where Volmax resides.



  • Fighting and defeating Volmax unlocks the Followed a Dream, Then Slapped It About a Bit achievement.
  • Volmax is right in front of the player throughout the whole game as they are the decoration around the in-game menu.
    • According to Dan's AMA on Reddit "[making] a boss out of the main menu art, seemed like a great way to connect the boss with the game world".
  • Volmax has their own soundtrack for the fight, Aural Annihilator by Leslie Wai.
  • After defeating them, a bandage appears on the skull of the creature in the menu.