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Ian as his default Well-toned appearance.

Your friendly neighborhood fisherman skeleton, the bassist of the band Deathbulge. Loves to have his door kicked in. He lives with pet fish Gillian in Tonewood Forest and occasionally has flexing competitions with the trees. He plays the Double Bass Double Bass, which he purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base. Bass claims the bass is just a naming gimmick, to which Ian vehemently disagrees.

Field Ability

His Field Ability is Shockwave, which temporarily stuns nearby field enemies. It has a moderate cooldown, during which no character's field abilities may be used.

Classes and Mods

Ian initially starts as the Well-Toned class, able to deal moderate damage while focusing on defending the team.

Over time, Ian can collect the following classes: Well-toned, Distorter, Show-off, Headbanger, Tuner, Sampler.

Ian has no mods in the following classes: Avant-garde, Goth, Busker.

Icon Class Name Type Hype Glam Multiplier Description Unlock
SKILL-MEGAPOP.png Well‑toned Mega Pop Slap
Noise (35) 6 1.0 Deals MODERATE NOISE damage to a SINGLE foe. Default.
SKILL-BEEFCAKEBASSQUAKE.png Well‑toned Beefcake Bassquake
Noise 66% 20 1.5-2.16 Deals HEAVY NOISE damage to ALL foes and applies FORTIFY to the player's bar.
This move will deal more damage the longer Ian is consecutively active in battle, reaching full potency after being active for a full turn. The bonus resets upon performing an action or swapping Ian out.
Does not suffer ALL penalty. Bonus damage adds a number between 0 (Ian swapped in at the end of the turn) to 2/3 (Ian was active the whole turn) to the Severity Multiplier.
"Unreachable" Treasure behind the Great Arm of Tonewood, reachable when returning after finishing TillaTek CYBERJUNGLE
SKILL-BEEFYDOUBLE.png Well‑toned Beefy Double Noise 35/70 6 1.2 Deals LIGHT NOISE damage TWICE to a SINGLE foe. Chest in the Bass Basement, first studio in the hallway that leads up to the aquarium
SKILL-FORTIFYINGFLEX.png Well‑toned Fortifying Flex Supportive 20/40 3 - Applies FORTIFY to the player's bar. Default.
SKILL-HAMMERJAMMIN.png Well‑toned Hammer Jamming Noise 35/70 15 0.67 Deals MODERATE NOISE damage to ALL foes. Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-ROBINHUNKSPECIAL.png Well‑toned Robin Hunk Special Noise 50/100 3 1.5 Deals HEAVY NOISE damage to a SINGLE foe. Treasure to the right of the exit of TillaTek CYBERJUNGLE
SKILL-SLAPOFPROTECTION.png Well‑toned Slap of Protection Supportive 35/70 3 - Applies a SHIELD modifier to all positive measure effects on the player's bar. Purchased from <o> in the Pop-Up Shop in Hellblivion.
SKILL-BLOODYHELL.png Distorter Bloody Hell
Melody (50) 6 1.0 Deals MODERATE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 2 measures of PAIN to the enemy's bar.
Chest in the Bass Basement, first studio in the hallway that is initially blocked off by the Big Puff Ensemble's recording session.
SKILL-ERUPTIVEDAMNATION.png Distorter Eruptive Damnation
Melody 66% 20 1.0 Deals HEAVY MELODY damage to ALL foes at the cost of the majority of Ian's current life.
Applies 3 measures of MAD PAIN to the enemy's bar.
Treasure in the third area of ?????.
SKILL-CURSEDSLAP.png Distorter Cursed Slap Melody 60/120 3 0.75 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 1 measure of EMPOWERED SLOW to the enemy's bar.
Purchased from <o> in the Pop-Up Shop in Hellblivion.
SKILL-INTIMIDATE.png Distorter Intimidate Supportive 20/40 3 0.75 Deal LIGHT MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies WEAKEN to the enemy's bar.
Found in Claire's Hair, in a hidden area on the far right halfway between The Wet Beak and K-Kwak's studio
SKILL-SHREDOFTHEDEAD.png Distorter Shred of the Dead Melody 35/70 6 0.8 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage TWICE to ALL foes.
Applies MUFFLE to the enemy's bar.
Suitcase in the center suite on Deck 11 of The Bus, slightly hidden behind the door.
SKILL-VICIOUSSACRIFICE.png Distorter Vicious Sacrifice Melody 50/100 3 2.0 Deals MASSIVE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe at the cost of a large chunk of Ian's current life. Porta Potty in front of the stage at Hellblivion
SKILL-FLASHYFLEX.png Show‑off Flashy Flex Melody 35/70 5 0.5 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage to ALL foes.
Applies 3 measures of SLOW to the enemy's bar.
Has a 20% chance to not impress and get booed, applying 2 measures of SLOW to the player's bar instead.
Purchased from Eezer's Evil Goods in Hoho.
SKILL-WARMUPTHECROWD.png Show‑off Hot Take Melody 40/80 5 0.33-1.0 Deals MELODY damage to ALL foes.
The potency of this move increases with the number of targets, recieving the maximum bonus at 4 foes struck.
However, this move has a 25% chance to backfire relative to the number of targets struck, increasing in chance and potency up to 4 foes struck.
Severity is Minuscle/Light/Moderate/Heavy, backfire is 25%/50%/75%/100% chance to backfire for 1/2/3/4 Pain.
Purchased from Eezer's Evil Goods in Hoho.
SKILL-RAPIDPOPPIN.png Show‑off Poppin' Off Melody 25/50 12 0.8 Deals MINUSCULE MELODY damage THRICE to ALL foes. Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-PYROTECHNICS.png Show‑off Pyrotechnics Melody 60/120 5 1.5 Deals HEAVY MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 1 measure of BOMB to the enemy's bar.
WARNING: This move has a 20% chance to blow up in Ian's face.
Treasure hidden behind Dac's contraption in Zone 5 of TillaTek CYBERJUNGLE
SKILL-EVERYBODYBROKENBONES.png Headbanger Everybody Broken Bones Noise 50/100 3 2.0 Deals OBSCENE NOISE damage to ALL foes and MODERATE damage to the entire PARTY.
Applies WEAKEN to both the player and enemy's bar.
Treasure south of the big bone pit in the Lower Locks. Jump down on the right.
SKILL-PALMDESTROYER.png Headbanger Palm Destroyer Supportive 45/90 3 1.0 Deals MODERATE NOISE damage to a SINGLE foes.
Applies 2 measures of MAD PAIN to both the player and enemy's bar.
Porta Potty next to Yacult, left of the entrance to the main stage area in Hellblivion
SKILL-POPPINFRENZY.png Headbanger Twang Frenzy Noise 20/40 6 0.67 Deals MINUSCULE NOISE damage TWICE to ALL foes, damaging Ian in the process.
Does not suffer the 0.8x multi-hit penalty.
SKILL-ZEROHERTZHB.png Headbanger Zero Hertz Noise 35/70 5 1.0 Deals HEAVY NOISE damage to ALL foes and LIGHT damage to the entire PARTY. Unlocked by accepting the side gig A Whale of a Time, made usable outside the Bass Basement by finishing the gig.
SKILL-TRIBUTETOBABBY.png Tuner A Tribute to Babby Restorative 75/150 3 ?? Applies a measure of Fish to the players's bar.
While the effect is present, a fish companion will be summoned to fight alongside the party. On it's turn, this companion will restore either the active character or the entire party's life. If a bandmate has fallen, it will bring them back to fighting fit.
Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-DRTONEBONE.png Tuner Dr. Tonebone Restorative 45/90 3 1.5 Heals a SINGLE ally for a HEAVY amount.
Applies 1 measure of MAD SOOTHE to the player's bar.
Found in the first area of ?????, following the mirrored Show-off bridge.
SKILL-WHALEMUSIC.png Tuner Whale Music Restorative 40/80 3 0.67 Restores a MODERATE amount of life to the entire PARTY.
Applies NURTURE to the player's bar.
Awarded by the whale after using Zero Hertz often enough to restore their self esteem.
MIX-IAN.png Sampler REMIX: Ian None 50/100 - Gives Ian the ability to MIX multiple Beats together into a single action. Equipping this Mod in the Class Mod slot will covert his Aux Mod slots into Beat slots, allowing him to equip up to three total Beats. Bought from Rinna in Hoho after getting the band back together.
Ian as Well-toned, Headbanger, Show-off, Tuner, and Distorter.

