Chuckridge Cuttlebrander (gig)

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The side gig for the legendary battle in Bass Basement is named after Chuckridge Cuttlebrander. It consists of collecting four suspicious blue papers and a fight against the western ocean legend.


Rumours of a famous western ocean music icon visiting Bopstead have been circulating amongst the townfolk. People say they saw him entering the Bass Base, but yet to see him come out...


  • You have encountered a pair of cuttleboys who appear to be guarding a private studio being used by the one and only Chuckridge Cuttlebrander! The world famous western ocean music legend! Wow! Perhaps there's a way to meet him...
  • Head-Hatted Henry has inadvertently tipped you off to the existence of some blue papers that hold the key to the password required to enter Chuckridge Cuttlebrander's private studio.
    Supposedly, they're scattered throughout the basement. Find them and reconstruct the password to give Lionel Rancid!
    Or just guess it.
  • You gave the cuttleboys the correct password to gain entry to Chuckridge Cuttlebrander's private studio! Now's your chance to meet and greet!


After a musical battle with the western ocean legend himself, Chuckridge Cuttlebrander conceded and admired your musical battling capabilities.

Don't expect a collaboration though.


BEAT-CUTTLEBUDDY.png Cuttlebuddy Applies a Cuttlefish pet measure effect to the player's bar. While this effect is present, a banjo-savvy cuttlefish companion will be summoned to fight alongside the party. On their turn, this companion will either play a targeted banjo jam to a single foe, or a loud and boisterous one for all enemies, weakening their bar.


Chuckridge's private studio can be found next to the aquarium with the mysteriously broken glass, guarded by the Cuttleboys. After a few interactions with them, Head-Hatted Henry drops the hint of some torn up papers lying around in the basement with the password. These can be found in the following locations:

  • MOONIN _____ _____ _____: northeast from Saeva's first tent, in the room with Cuttlebro
  • _____ HATS _____ _____: moving southwest from the room with Saeva's tent, you reach a big common room that branches out northwest into a dead end corridor with only one room
  • _____ _____ BARREL _____: can be seen from the room with Whale (you have to go around to reach it)
  • _____ _____ _____ HOWDY: in the east corner of the room with Ump

If you can recite all four password phrases, the guards let you through.

During the legendary fight Chuckridge summons three cuttlefish that deal damage to the player while Cuttlebrander keeps healing them back. If all summoned fish are dead, Chuckridge heals himself and summons them again – so it is useful to keep only one cuttlefish alive during the battle.