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Quests are called gigs in Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands. There are two types of gigs: main and side gigs.

Main gigs lead the player through the storyline of the game, while completing side gigs offer bonus story elements and rewards.

Main Gigs


The list of chapters in the game:

Name Description
The Battle of the Bands Having just awoken from a dream it seems you're being pressured to sign up for some kind of Battle of the Bands competition...
Might as well go see what it's about. Apparently signups are taking place in THE OFFICIAL BOPSTEAD GAZEBO, towards the right side of the town.
All Signed Up! You've successfully signed Deathbulge up for the Battle of the Bands!
It's time to wake up Briff and tell him the good news!
Finding Ian Attempts to wake Briff up failed miserably. Perhaps it's better to find Ian instead, who currently resides somewhere in Tonewood Forest.
The entrance to Tonewood lies south west of Faye's house.
Claire and the Screaming Woods Good news: you found Ian. Bad news: it seems his friend Claire is having a rough time. You'll need to check up on her before Ian can justify leaving Tonewood. Explore Tonewood and try to find her!
You've also started to realize that signing up to the Battle of the Bands has resulted in you being able to fight with music. COOL!
Claire and the Mighty Arm of Tonewood Good news: you found Ian. Bad news: it seems his friend Claire is having a rough time. You'll need to check up on her before Ian can justify leaving Tonewood.
You've located a potential path to Claire, but it's blocked by a giant rock arm. Ian insists the arm will only allow passage to those it deems worthy. Maybe there's some way to prove yourself within these very woods.
Claire and the Masstropod's defeat Good news: you found Ian. Bad news: it seems his friend Claire is having a rough time. You'll need to check up on her before Ian can justify leaving Tonewood.
By defeating the mighty Masstropod, you've proven yourself to the sacred arm of Tonewood. As a show of respect, the arm has flexed open a new path to you.
Could Claire be on the other side?
Claire and the Scratching Pain You found Ian's friend Claire! She has revealed that something in her hair is scratching up something fierce, causing her to cry out in pain. She has kindly asked you to enter her massive head of hair to seek out and neutralize the problem.
Looks like Ian won't be returning back to Bopstead with you until this is resolved. Into the hair with you!
Inside Claire's Hair: BIRDS Exploring Claire's Hair further, you discovered that a large flock of birds and platypuses have nested within. It doesn't seem like they are causing the scratching, though. Perhaps the true nuisance lies deep within...
Deep Inside Claire's Hair: EHRE-EHRE-EHRE Deep within Claire's Hair, you begin to hear a faint, constant scratching. It seems you're getting closer to uncovering the culprit responsible for Claire's misery.
K-KWAK It turns out the one responsible for all of Claire's suffering was none other than K-Kwak. A famous musician known for his sick remixes and beats.
After a little back-and-forth, K-Kwak agreed to leave Claire's Hair. NICE!
However, before parting, K-Kwak said some pretty damning things about the tournament being to the death, but he was probably just talking trash, right?
Either way, it might be worth heading back to Bopstead to see if Briff's out of bed yet.
Fish Gonein' On your way back to Bopstead, you passed by Ian's cabin only to discover that the incredible Babby Bass has been stolen.
But wait, it gets worse. You also ran into Platinum Scrumptious, where your fears were confirmed. Everyone who entered the Battle of the Bands are cursed to die; only the winners of the competition will be spared such a fate.
Despite this, the band decided for varying reasons that searching for the missing Babby Bass is the best course of action right now, and that asking Bopstead townsfolk might be a good way to start.
Fish Gonein': Quak Stackin' On your way back to Bopstead, you passed by Ian's cabin only to discover that the incredible Babby Bass has been stolen. You also discovered that everyone who entered the Battle of the Bands are cursed to die unless they win the competition.
You decided to ask around town for leads on Babby's whereabouts. Zee in the Tooter's Boot informed you of some suspicious figures hanging around Quakstak's.
Fish Gonein': Bass Bassin' On your way back to Bopstead, you passed by Ian's cabin only to discover that the incredible Babby Bass has been stolen. You also discovered that everyone who entered the Battle of the Bands are cursed to die unless they win the competition.
After reviewing Quakstak's burgers, he informed you that the suspicious individuals who stopped by were talking about heading into the Bass Base and apparently they haven't been seen since. Hmmm.
Bass Base Basement (ft. Big Puff Ensemble) You've stepped into the Bass Base Basement to discover that a symphonic school of fish who call themselves the Big Puff Ensemble have largely taken over all the recording spaces.
Upon discovering that you are looking to rescue Baby, the orchestra have turned hostile, assaulting you any chance they get.
Somewhere in the basement, Babby awaits...
Bus to Hoho You found Babby, but now he's dead. What's more, Daemo was nowhere to be found either. Oh dear.
It's starting to look like fighting Pokalyps is the only way out of the tournament and as luck would have it, they are performing in Hoho later in the week.
As far as Briff's concerned, you're just going to enjoy the show. You probably have to tell him the truth at some point.
Better head to the bus station ASAP, as the buses to Hoho are extremely infrequent. It's nice to know Bass is finally selling MODS at the Bass Basement though.

Side Gigs

There are 20 side gigs in total in the game. There are no missable gigs, so even if you return later, the gig will still be available. Side gigs may award equipment (such as patches and mods) or merch. Bops are sometimes obtained as well. These do not affect the main story line.

Side gigs categorized by the location where they are acquired:


  • Side Gig Complete! and Side Gig Complete? soundtracks were composed by Patrick Henaghan.