Is That REALLY How It Went?

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Briff had a hot date in Blue Horn Tavern after the band split after meeting the Sage at the end of the Lower Locks. This optional side story can be started and replayed by interacting with the Table of Regalement at the front of the tavern. Regardless of how often it is repeated, only the final play through will affect the cutscenes at the very end of the game.

List of possible outcomes

This list might be incomplete, feel free to add any other endings you find.

  • Date Platinum
  • Date Scrumptious
  • Date Wrizzo
  • Get drunk while Wrizzo watches
  • Marry Wrizzo
  • Get dominated and knocked out by Trista, but still hit it off
  • Get drunk with Trista
  • Apply C.H.A.M.P. and hit it off with Trista
  • Marry Trista
  • Date Sully the reporter
  • Date Iris
  • Call off everything and make a move on Faye
  • Or have the date with any of the above go nowhere