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Briff as his default Tuner appearance.

Drummer in the band Deathbulge, living in Bopstead as the roommate of Faye. A very optimistic and all around helpful guy who has difficulties coming to terms with the nature of the Battle of the Bands and the curse that comes with it.

His mother is the very spiritual Brioche, his father is the late wrestling legend Concrete Keith. He has a younger brother named Jose.

Field Ability

His Field Ability is Slink On By, which temporarily turns him “invisible” to field enemies so he can, well, slink on by them! If he's already been spotted, though, he'll stay visible. This ability has a rather long cooldown, during which none of the band can use their field abilities. It's much shorter if it happened to fizzle.

Classes and Mods

Briff initially starts as a Tuner, a class with healing focus.

Over time, Briff can collect the following classes: Tuner, Busker, Avant-garde, Goth, Distorter, Sampler.

Briff has no mods in the following classes: Headbanger, Well-toned, Show-off.

Icon Class Name Type Hype Glam Multiplier Description Unlock
SKILL-TLS.png Tuner Tender Loving Snare
Restorative (40) 6 0.5 Restores a LIGHT amount of life to the entire PARTY.
Applies 2 measures of SOOTHE to the player's bar.
Restorative 66% 20 1.33 Restores a MASSIVE amount of LIFE to the entire PARTY.
Applies 2 measures of MAD SOOTHE to the player's bar.
Unlocked from a hidden cellar near Brioche's house in Bopstead (available after fighting Pokalyps). The key is in the sink after Jose trashed the place.
SKILL-ASMR.png Tuner A.S.M.R. Restorative 30/60 3 1.0 Heals a SINGLE ally for a MODERATE amount of LIFE.
Applies NURTURE to the player's bar.
Purchased from Eezer's Evil Goods in Hoho.
SKILL-AGGREJ.png Tuner Aggressive Rejuvenation Restorative 45/90 10 0.67 Restores a MODERATE amount of LIFE to the entire PARTY. Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-HEALTHYFILL.png Tuner Healthy Fill Restorative 35/70 3 1.5 Heals a SINGLE ally for a HEAVY amount of LIFE. Default.
SKILL-HEARTKICKSTART.png Tuner Heart Kickstart Restorative 50/100 3 1.5 Revives a fallen bandmate and heals them for a HEAVY amount of LIFE. Chest in Bass Basement, in the center of the room where you meet Whale
SKILL-THERAPEUTICTHUMP.png Tuner Therapeutic Thump Restorative 75/150 3 1.5 Heals a SINGLE ally for a HEAVY amount of LIFE.
Applies 1 measure of MAD SOOTHE to the player's bar.
Purchased from <o> in the Pop-Up Shop in Hellblivion.
SKILL-UPBEAT.png Busker Upbeat
Noise (40) 8 0.5 Deals LIGHT NOISE damage to ALL foes.
Applies 1 measure of HASTE to the player's bar for each enemy stuck.
Suitcase on deck 7 of The Bus, i.e. on deck up from where Saeva crashes the first time.
SKILL-POWEROFFRIENDSHIP.png Busker The Power of Friendship
Supportive 66% 20 1.0 Restores a HEAVY amount of HYPE to the entire PARTY.
EMPOWERS all existing positive measure effects on the player's bar.
Gifted by Bocks when talking to them before the Pokalyps fight.
SKILL-CRASHYCRESCENDO.png Busker Crashy Crescendo Noise 40/80 4 0.67 Deals a MODERATE amount of NOISE damage to ALL foes.
Applies AMPLIFY to the player's bar.
Chest in Bass Basement, in the far left studio in the room down from the first Saeva tent
SKILL-GOODVIBE.png Busker Good Vibe Presentation Supportive 50/100 4 - Applies FORTIFY to the player's bar and a SHIELD modifier to any positive measure effects on it. Treasure on the far left of the second to last room of zone 5 of TillaTek CYBERJUNGLE
SKILL-HYPERCUSSION.png Busker Hypercussion Supportive 40/80 4 0.67 Restores a MODERATE amount of HYPE to the PARTY. Porta Potty on the left of the first large area in Hellblivion
SKILL-BASKETBALL.png Avant‑garde Basketball
Noise (50) 2 0.5-2.0 Deals NOISE damage to a SINGLE foe and scores 2 points.
The damage of this ability is dependent on the number of points Briff has scored in that battle, up to 10 points.
Severity is Minuscle/Light/Moderate/Heavy/Massive.
Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-ARHYTHMICASSAULT.png Avant‑garde Arhythmic Assault
None 66% 20 1.33/1.0 Two of three possible effects occur:
  • Deal MASSIVE NOISE damage to ALL foes
  • Restore a HEAVY amount of LIFE and HYPE to the entire PARTY
  • Fill both the player and enemy's bars with random measure effects
Purchased from <o> in the Pop-Up Shop in Hellblivion.
SKILL-BOOMWAV.png Avant‑garde BOOM.WAV Noise 65/130 2 0.75 Deals LIGHT NOISE damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 1 measure of BOMB to the enemy's bar.
Porta potty inside one of the green tents at Camping A in Hellblivion
SKILL-OSCULATEIN78.png Avant‑garde Osculate in 7/8 Restorative 60/120 2 ?? Restore a random amount of LIFE between 1 and 500 to the entire PARTY. Treasure in Mutilla's bedroom in TillaTek CYBERJUNGLE
SKILL-TOTALREINTERPRETATION.png Avant‑garde Total Reinterpretation Supportive 40/80 2 - INVERTS all existing measure effects on the enemy's bar. Treasure in the upper right corner of the second area of ?????.
SKILL-BEATENHEART.png Goth Beaten Heart Melody 30/60 0.8 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage TWICE to ALL foes.
Applies WITHER to the enemy's bar.
SKILL-SURGINGSORROW.png Goth Surging Sorrow Melody 35/70 0.67 Deals MODERATE MELODY damage to ALL foes.
CLEARS 2 measures on the player's bar.
The potency of this ability increases by 15% for each negative measure effect on the player's bar.
Bonus damage works like Beauty in Suffering Patch and is additive to it, for 30% extra damage per negative measure effect.
Unlocks upon disembarking The Bus.
SKILL-THEGREATUNJOYING.png Goth The Great Unjoying Melody 45/90 2.0 Deals MASSIVE MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
CLEARS all existing positive measures on the player's bar.
Treasure east of the big bone pit in the Lower Locks.
SKILL-WEAVEROFDARKNESS.png Goth Weaver of Darkness Supportive 30/60 ?? Applies a SPIDER pet measure effect to the players's bar.
While the effect is present, a drumming spider companion will be summoned to fight alongside the party. On his turn, this companion will deal MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe and apply a harmful effect to their bar. Each third turn he gets, he will unleash an emotional solo dealing MELODY damage to ALL foes.
Rewarded for finishing side gig Drum School.
SKILL-666HORSEPOWER.png Distorter 666 HORSEPOWER Supportive 50/100 3 - Applies 2 measures of MAD PAIN to the enemy's bar. Purchased from <o> in the Pop-Up Shop in Hellblivion.
SKILL-PULSEOFTHEPOSSESSED.png Distorter Pulse of the Possessed Melody 45/90 3 0.75 Deals LIGHT MELODY damage to a SINGLE foe.
Applies 2 measures of SLOW to the enemy's bar.
Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.
SKILL-HELLISHBREAKDOWN.png Distorter Sinner's Breakdown Melody 60/120 6 1.6 Deals MODERATE MELODY damage TWICE to a SINGLE foe.
Applies WEAKEN to the enemy's bar.
Purchased from Eezer's Evil Goods in Hoho.
MIX-BRIFF.png Sampler REMIX: Briff None 50/100 - Gives Briff the ability to MIX multiple Beats together into a single action. Equipping this Mod in the Class Mod slot will covert his Aux Mod slots into Beat slots, allowing him to equip up to three total Beats. Obtained from Rinna in Hoho for fighting K-Kwak.

Comics featuring Briff