K-Touk's Boombox

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K-Touk's Boombox is one of the side gigs in Claire's Hair that can be obtained in The Wet Beak.

Deathbulge offers to retrieve K-Touk's stolen boombox from Gaz and Sheryl.


Nesting inside a common drinking hole within Claire's Hair, a depressed exotic bird struggles with a stolen possession.


K-Touk has asked you to find and return a boombox he lent out to a couple of strangers. They should be somewhere within Claire's Hair.


You overheard some passengers talking about an extremely pleasant interaction they had with a fun-loving toucan who was flying north. You can't help but feel warm inside, knowing you helped him with his boombox crisis.


The reward depends on the state of the boombox and your dialogue choices.

  • Returning the unscratched boombox: 2000 Bops and the Beauty in Suffering patch
  • Returning the busted boombox and confessing: 2000 Bops and the Beauty in Suffering patch (but the repairs at Band Goods cost 400 Bops)
  • Returning the busted boombox and lying about it: 1000 Bops (the patch can be bought from K-Touk later in Hoho for 1700 Bops)
PATCH-BEAUTYINSUFFERING.png Beauty in Suffering Increases the wearer's damage dealt by 15% for each negative measure effect on the player's Bar.

If you don't return the boombox or just entirely ignore K-Touk's request, you can still buy the patch from him in Hoho for 700 Bops.


While in The Wet Beak in Claire's Hair, K-Touk asks you to find his Boombox. Backtrack towards the entrance until you find a strand going to the bottom right. Keep going right, past the exit towards Madam Bouffant, until you find Gaz and Sheryl's love nest. They use the Boombox to set the mood and will not give it up without a fight. The boombox will take part in the fight and buff Gaz and Sheryl, however, destroying it (and whether lying about it or not) will reduce the potential reward for the gig.