Big Puff Ensemble

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Clockwise from top: Conchonko (sousaphone), Bagpuff (bagpipe), Splutterspit (bassoon), Horndaddy (french horn)

The Big Puff Ensemble is an all-fish brass band taking up Bass Basement to the annoyance of some other sea creatures.

They made an agreement with the band stealing Babby Bass therefore acting hostile against Deathbulge.

Their album Songs of the Whale was a pioneer in bringing sea music to the land-dwelling market, which started the career of other fish artists. Little known fact that the record was actually a theft of intellectual property.


  • The design for the band members is inspired by real fish (e.g. goldfish, pufferfish, catfish).
  • Bass the Bass' Bass Base has a poster of the ensemble on the wall.
