A Whale of a Time

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A Whale of a Time is a side gig of helping a bloodthirsty whale in Bass Basement avenge himself.

Finishing this gig is a prerequisite to complete Inspiring Nel.


Somewhere beneath the ocean, a bloodthirsty whale seeks assistance.


You met a whale through one of the many glass tank windows in the Bass Basement. You agreed to defeat 10 Big Puff Ensemble enemies using the Zero Hertz ability, which is a Mod for Ian. Return to the whale once you've completed his hitlist.

(NOTE: Zero Hertz must be the finishing blow for it to count.)

Death Tally: X


You completed the Whale's murder request, earning yourself free use of the Zero Hertz ability anywhere in the world!


SKILL-ZEROHERTZHB.png Zero Hertz Deals HEAVY NOISE damage to ALL foes and LIGHT damage to the entire PARTY.

Note: Zero Hertz is available immediately after accepting the gig – but only in Bass Basement. Completing the gig unlocks its usability everywhere else.


You can find Whale by going around from Saeva's tent towards the room blocked by the video shooting.

Interacting with him and accepting the gig gives Ian the Zero Hertz mod which has to be equipped and used as a finishing blow against 10 Big Puff Ensemble enemies. All enemies defeated by this move during the same fight count as individual kills.

After finishing the task, you have to talk to Whale again to complete the gig.
