Babby Bass

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Babby Bass.
Prove to the forest you don't mess around
Jam with the snail til it's dead in the ground
Open the way - that snail's gotta pay

–Babby's song

Babby Bass is the biggest singing fish on the side of Ian's cabin in Tonewood Forest. As singing fish are creatures of great mystical powers in Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands, his undisputable musical talent makes him a possible superweapon in the Battle of the Bands.



Ian, who is obsessed with singing fish, keeps Babby, his favorite, right by the door of his cabin. When Ian notices that one of the tonewood trees has been cut down, he turns to Babby for comfort. Playing the song about the snail in the ground brings peace to Ian and annoys Faye.

When the duo returns from Claire's Hair, they find out that Babby has been stolen. Ian accuses Faye that in her jealousy she got rid of him. After agreeing to ask around town, they meet with Platinum Scrumptious who confirm K-Kwak's blabbering about the Battle of the Bands. Ian realizes that Babby being a powerful asset fallen into the wrong hands could lead to a catastrophe.

After reuniting with Briff, Faye asks Sully about the whereabouts of Daemo – to which she replies he was carrying a fish on a plaque. Faye wrongly assumes it was Babby so she joins the rescue efforts. When asked by the band, Zee in The Tooter's Boot mentions hooded figures carrying something big and that they were going to Quakstak's. Quakstak – in exchange for a new review of their restaurant – tells Deathbulge the thieves went to Bass the Bass' Bass Base. As they have an eye witness to prove it, Bass lets them into his secret underground recording studio. There, they learn from Conchonko that "another band" has made a deal with the Big Puff Ensemble so the fish become hostile against them.

Finally, Faye, Ian, and Briff find Rona and Headbang (still in hooded robes) trying to improve Babby by giving him an organic vessel to help them fight Pokalyps. Instead of improvement, Babby becomes unstable and glitchy, so Deathbulge must fight him. During the battle they figure out a new way to fight by doing a performance.

Soon after defeating Babby, Faye – in a burst of anger – admits she was jealous of his talent and exits the basement, but Ian and Briff stay for a eulogy. They recall memories when they were 9 years old and Babby was already an established part of the family.

Corrupted Babby Bass

Corrupted Babby Bass is the biotechnologically improved but unstable version of Babby. He is the third boss fight in the game and the final enemy in Bass Basement.

This is the first unskippable enemy that uses a performance and the first occasion where performance as an option is unlocked for Deathbulge during the battle.

As Corrupted Babby Bass is a boss fight, he does not drop a beat, however, after winning the fight, the game offers Ian's Eulogy Challenge where more information is revealed about the history of Deathbulge members and Babby Bass.



  • Babby's profile picture serves as the default logo/icon for the game.
  • The character has his own soundtrack called Babby Bass and two remixes: the Butchered Classic Mix (for the performance) and the Boo Hoo Mix (for the eulogy challenge). All of them were written by Leslie Wai.
  • One of Ian's mods is called A Tribute to Babby which can be bought from Bass after defeating Babby.
  • The apartment with the boarded up door in Bopstead served as a temporary headquarters for Mutilla during stealing Babby Bass.
  • The "unkickable door" in Bopstead leads to the hideout of a secret cult called House of Babby.