Foggy's Errands

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Foggy's Errands is one of the first side gigs in the game. However, it is one of the last gigs to be finished, with new and increasingly elaborate errands unlocking throughout the game, so make sure to pay a visit to Foggy every now and then.


An old man sleeps soundly in his humble home dreaming of dairy.


Cheese Quest

  • Old man Foggy has a very simple request: get him some cheese from his fridge. It must be the cheese on the MIDDLE SHELF.
  • It seems you were only able to find cheeses on the TOP and BOTTOM shelves. You chose to take the cheese on the X SHELF. You should check back with Foggy to see if this is the cheese he wants.
  • Foggy has revised his simple request: get him some cheese from his fridge. It must be the cheese with the BLUE PACKAGING.
  • It seems you were only able to find cheeses with RED and GOLD packaging. You chose to take the cheese with X PACKAGING. You should check back with Foggy to see if this is the cheese he wants.
  • Foggy has once again revised his request: get his cheese from Porf's fridge.
  • It seems Porf's fridge was stuffed exclusively with different cheeses. You chose to take the cheese with X PACKAGING from the X SHELF. You should check back with Foggy to see if this is the cheese he wants.
  • You successfully delivered Foggy's cheese! It seems he might have more tasks for you in the future... best to revisit him later.

TV Quest

  • Foggy wishes you to solve Porf's TV crisis by taking his TV over to Porf's house.
  • Oh dear, as impressive as it was to be able to run at full speed while holding an entire TV unit, a cable broke amidst the recklessness. Perhaps Foggy knows where to find a spare...
  • Foggy is sure that Porf has a spare cable for what we need somewhere is his house.
  • Porf's remote does not work on Foggy's TV. Fortunately you have found some buttons on the side of the TV, hopefully you can find the channel Porf likes.
  • Porf is happy with his new TV setup. Time to give Foggy the good news.
  • Foggy is once again grateful for your help. It seems he might have more tasks for you in the future... best to revisit him later.

Birthday Card Quest


Foggy is incredibly grateful for all that you've done for him and has seen fit to pass the gift on to you.


  • Cheese Quest: 5 Bops
  • TV Quest: Be included in Foggy's will.
  • Birthday Card Quest:
SKILL-ERASURE.png Goth Erasure
Melody 66% 20 1.33 Deals MASSIVE MELODY damage to ALL foes.
CLEARS all 4 measures on the player's bar.


Foggy can be found in the upper left corner of the block Faye and Briff live in, right next to Platinum Scrumptious' house.

Cheese Quest

When first meeting Foggy, he wants the cheese from the middle shelf in the blue packaging. When checking his fridge, it does not matter which (wrong) cheese is selected. The correct cheese can be found in Porf's fridge, Faye and Briff's next door neighbor.

TV Quest

After fighting K-Kwak in Claire's Hair, Foggy offers another errand. To fulfill it, pick up Foggy's TV, go to Porf's house and interact with his (mysteriously) broken TV. Then, go into Porf's basement, take Foggy's spare cable from his closet and plug the TV in. Finally, change the channel to 'The God Zone' and return to Foggy.

Birthday Card Quest

After fighting Pokalyps, Foggy offers the final errand. After talking to him, head to Bopstead Mail Centre, check the greeting card display to see the requested card is not available. Then talk to Duncan and MOOSE UP. After talking to Foggy again, return to Duncan and buy the pristine moose card. Talk to Foggy and then Duncan again before heading to Dia in Hoho. From there talk to Mazzi in Hoho Post Office, who sends you to Eezer in Evil Goods, who in turn sends you back to Bopstead to meet Paff in front of the Mail Centre. Finally, talk to Georgeous in Georgeous' Tattoo Ink and head back to Foggy to finish the gig.
