Heljen's House Party

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Heljen's House Party is one of the first side gigs in the game. It can be finished just by taking a stroll in Bopstead and talking to locals.


Somewhere in town, a troubled tenant is in dire need of help with a troublesome landlord.


Heljen in Bopstead needs help with her troublesome landlord who recently decided to move in with her. Due to the dodgy contract she signed, he's well within his rights to do so.

To try and force him out, she's decided to host the loudest party possible in the flat directly above. You've agreed to help find and invite the loudest people in town with she's outlined in this list:

  • Someone who can STOMP
  • Some kind of PARTY PUNK
  • The LOUDEST DOG in town
  • Someone RECKLESS
  • Someone with a KARAOKE setup
  • Someone with a LOUD VOICE


You've succeeded in helping Heljen host the loudest party possible, forcing her troublesome landlord to finally move out! She can now live her life in piece once more... sort of.


PATCH-JENREGENS.png Jen & the Regens Attacks by the wearer will heal them for 20% of damage dealt.


Heljen can be found in the upper right corner of the block Faye and Briff live in. After kicking in the attic's door and talking to Heljen, she provides you a list of candidates.

You have to interact with these characters to invite them to the party. In some cases the order in which they are invited is important.

After accepting the invitation, the screen fades to black for a moment, and the character is transported to the party.

  • Someone who can STOMP: Kix is down the street, on the corner of the same block.
  • Some kind of PARTY PUNK: the Party Punk is hanging out behind Bass the Bass' Bass Base.
  • The LOUDEST DOG in town: Jako is halfway to Tonewood Forest from Faye and Briff's apartment, next to a bench.
  • Someone RECKLESS: Sicks is doing kickflips in the barn. He can only be recruited as the last person.
  • Someone with a KARAOKE setup: Carrie is listening to Pokalyps by a tree next to Bopstead Mail Centre.
  • Someone with a LOUD VOICE: Gob is hanging out by the Bopstead Gazebo. He can only be recruited after Carrie.

The quest is finished by talking to Heljen in the now-crowded attic.
