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Your Characters stats are affected by Patches, Class, and Measure Effects.

Stats are always rounded down and can (usually) not surpass a value of 99, expect for Life and Hype. Note that the derived quantities (e.g. damage or healing) can still be further increased, even if the base stat is already capped. For example at 99 Melody, the Beauty in Suffering Patch can be used to further boost damage or the Nurture Bar Effect can still increase healing.

List of Stats
Stat Effect
Life How much damage the character can take
Hype Needed to fuel powerful skills granted by Mods
Noise Strength of Noise Damage
Toughness Defence against Noise Damage
Melody Strength of Melody Damage and Healing
Resistance Defence against Melody Damage
Speed How fast the Bar can be cleared
Hype Regen Hype Regeneration Rate