The Mystery of Dreadhaunt

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The Mystery of Dreadhaunt is the side gig of the first legendary fight. It consists of a puzzle leading through Dreadhaunt Crossing and a fight against Shrubbanshee.


Deep within an ancient, dark wood, spookiness lies in wait.


You stumbled upon Dreadhaunt Crossing, a spooky section of Tonewood which Ian claims is haunted. Apparently, he's never traversed the crossing, claiming Claire forbade it due to what lies within...


You solved the mystery of Dreadhaunt Crossing and defeated the ancient Shrubbanshee!


BEAT-BANSHBASH.png Banshbash 5-8 AoE damage Replaces all negative measure effects on enemy's bar with Slow.


You can only start the quest after Ian joins the team.

The red fish on Ian's cabin gives the relevant hint to pass through Dreadhaunt Crossing: always take the path that has the big muscle flower (the number of smaller flowers does not matter). Note that this may require you to go back where you just came from.

After passing the unkickable door, there's a clearing with the Shrubbanshee.