Inspiring Nel

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Inspiring Nel is a side gig that involves collecting certain Mods and putting on a show for Nel.


Somewhere in Bopstead, an artist struggles with inspiration.


Nel has asked you to show her three key abilities in battle to regain her inspiration:

Some crazy hair stuff,
a whale,
and a slam dunk.

Show her three skills like these in a single "inspiration session" to fulfil her request.


You showed Nel the following three abilities:

Faye's Hair Shredder
Ian's Zero Hertz
Briff's Slam Dunk

In doing so, you inspired Nel's creativity!


PATCH-BARRYCLUB.png Barry Club Each time the wearer performs an action, there's a 20% chance they'll swig a Bountiful Barry's, healing the entire party for 33% their maximum health.
Each hit in multi-hit attacks has a 20% to trigger the effect, but it may still only occur once per action.


Nel will return to her home next to Heljen's party location after Faye met with Ian. The CRAZY HAIR, WHALE and SLAM DUNK, correspond to the following mods:

Icon Class Name Unlock
SKILL-HAIRSHREDDER.png Show‑off Hair Shredder
SKILL-ZEROHERTZHB.png Headbanger Zero Hertz Unlocked by accepting the side gig A Whale of a Time, made usable outside the Bass Basement by finishing the gig.
SKILL-BASKETBALL.png Avant‑garde Basketball
Purchased from Bass the Bass' Bass Base in Bopstead.

This gig cannot be completed until after completing the Bass Basement, since Mods, including Basketball, will not be available for sale in Bass the Bass' Bass Base until doing so.

To finish the gig, you have to showcase these mods by "attacking" Nel's door.