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Bocks is a lovely package delivery person with questionable work ethics. They become a part of the Deathbulge crew along the way with Saeva, managing merch supplies for the band.



Faye and Ian find Bocks in Tonewood Forest on their way to Masstropod, sitting by the side of the road amongst some undelivered packages. Bocks was supposed to take the boxes to Eezer's Evil Goods in Hoho but "cannot be arsed" to take The Bus again. Deeming Faye and Ian cool people for rushing to a friend in need, Bocks offers them some wares for free.

The friends bump into them again in The Wet Beak in Claire's Hair where Bocks pretends to be a bird for the 50% discount at the bar. Their cover almost gets blown but Ian's fast thinking saves the situation – though not for long, as Pec the bartender eventually realizes Bocks' fraud and chases them out of the forest.

This leads Bocks to meet Saeva who offers them a hiding place in her tent until things calm down. The duo follows Deathbulge around until Saeva gets into a skating accident (twice). With their friend in the hospital, Bocks makes a cardboard cutout of Saeva as a moral support for the band.

When Deathbulge turns up in Hellblivion's Camping B, it is revealed that Bocks is actually a demon. Since the band knows that they are a lovely person, they have no issue with this fact, which leads to Bocks not being afraid of showing their horns anymore.

After Deathbulge's final victory Bocks joins Sid's yakolyte team with Saeva, Meal Deal and Sesh.

Merch Restock

In the game's merch system, Bocks is the only option to restock.

List of restocking locations in the game in order of appearance (temporary locations are in italics):

Retroactively all Saeva tents are also restock points (even those where Bocks was not initially present).