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Cuttlebrother is a side gig of helping a lonely cuttlefish find his brother.

Finishing this gig is only achievable by defeating Chuckridge Cuttlebrander.


Hidden within the depths of the Bass Base Basement, a lonely Cuttlefish seeks his brother.


You told Cuttlebrother that if you found his brother, you'd bring him back to him.


You reunited Cuttlebrother with his brother, which just so happened to be the Cuttlebuddy acquired from Chuckridge Cuttlebrander!

While happy to be reunited, Cuttlebrother bid farewell once again to let Cuttlebuddy aid you in your quest.


PATCH-CHUCKRIDGECUTTLE.png Chuckridge Cuttlebrander Significantly increases the power of any active pets.


Cuttlebro's brother is actually the summon from the beat dropped by Chuckridge Cuttlebrander.

Therefore this gig can only be completed after winning the legendary fight and going back to Cuttlebro.
