The Litter That Glitters

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The Litter That Glitters is a side gig that involves collecting old Glamourella prize draw tickets and redeeming them by using Faye and Briff's shared computer to enter their codes on the prize draw website. Although Glamourella is long dead and the tickets are decades old, the prize draw website is still up and monitored, and the webmaster still reluctantly sends out prizes. There are 10 tickets to be found in total. These are the most common key merches in the game.


There certainly are some strange bits of card lying around.


There appears to be redemption codes lying around for a really old prize draw endorsed by GLAMOURELLA, Faye's childhood idol. Despite the likely scenario that you're a couple of decades too late, maybe it's worth booting up the home computer to give it a go anyway?

Codes obtained but not redeemed: X


You get the feeling, you've obtained and redeemed every last code. Nice one!


The side gig gives out rewards multiple times, 4 tickets provide 22 220 bops in total:

  • 1111 bops
  • 3333 bops
  • 7777 bops
  • 9999 bops (5th winning ticket, 10th ticket in total)

The 4th winning ticket (9th ticket in total) is the grand prize:

SKILL-AXEOFANNIHILATION.png Axe of Annihilation (Ultimate) Deals HEAVY MELODY damage to ALL foes. Applies 3 measures of PAIN to the enemy's bar. WARNING: This move has a 50% chance to be extremely sick.


Dazzling Tickets can be found at the following locations:

  1. In Bopstead, next to the toilet in Platinum Scrumptious' house
  2. In Bopstead, in Brioche's bedroom
  3. In Claire's Hair, next to Madam Bouffant
  4. In Bass' Bass Basement, all the way east
  5. In Bopstead, in Barry Friendly's house
  6. On the bus to Hoho, on the 11th deck
  7. In the Hoho Post Office
  8. In the TillaTek CYBERJUNGLE, next to the unsettling hole
  9. In Hellblivion, in a tent on camping A
  10. In Dreadhaunt Crossing, behind the stone door

Five of the tickets are winners. All prizes must be retrieved from Bopstead's and Hoho's gazebos to complete the gig.
