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Modifiers can be applied by certain Mods, Beats, Merch and enemy attacks. Only measures that already have a Measure Effect can receive a Modifier and not all effects can be modified by all Modifiers.

  • Shield: A shielded measure is protected from being overwritten once. Attempting to do so will remove the Shield and progress the measure indicator to the next measure, but will leave the underlying measure effect intact and prevent another Modifier from being applied (e.g. empowering a shielded Haste measure will remove the Shield and keep the Haste, but will not apply Empower to it).
  • Empower: Empowering a measure effect will improve its effectiveness up to twofold. Not all measures can be empowered, for example, Pets or Bombs are excluded. If the underlying measure effect is overwritten, the Empower will also be removed.
  • Lock: Certain enemies can lock measures of the player making it impossible to overwrite them. They can be unlocked by defeating the enemy that locked them, who will be marked with a small yellow key above their heads. A locked measure is simply skipped in the measure rotation.
  • Invert: Inverts the effect of a Measure Effect to its opposite. Healing becomes Damage, Speed becomes Slow, and vice versa. However, the Measure Effect stays the same, e.g. Pain will remain Pain, and overwriting the Invert with any other Modifier will revert it to its regular effect. However, inverted effects will count to the opposite category for anything checking for positive or negative effects. For example, Make It Worse would not Empower an inverted negative effect, instead that inverted negative effect would count for the Rainbow Sunshine Treehouse Band Patch.